Keto diets have really come on strong in the past year and a half and for good reason. It's a great way to not only shed those unwanted pounds quick but also a great way to get healthy and stay that way. For those that have tried the Keto Diet and are still on it, it's more than just a diet. It's a way of life, a completely new lifestyle.
Good for Some But not for all? - Although a ketogenic diet has been used to greatly improve people's quality of life, there are some out there who do not share the majority's way of thinking. But why is that exactly?
Ever since we can remember we have been taught that the only way to get rid of the extra weight was to quit eating the fat-filled foods that we are so accustomed to eating every day. So instructing people to eat healthy fats (The keyword is Healthy) you can certainly understand why some people would be skeptical as to how and why you would eat more fat to achieve weight loss and achieve it fast. This concept goes against everything we have ever known about weight loss.
What Does A Ketogenic Diet Look Like? - When the average person eats a meal rich in carbs, their body takes those carbs and converts them into glucose for fuel. Glucose is the body's main source of fuel when carbs are present in the body, on a Keto diet there are very low if any at all carbs consumed which forces the body to utilize other forms of energy to keep the body functioning properly. This is where healthy fats come into play, with the absence of carbs the liver takes fatty acids in the body and converts them into ketone bodies.
An ideal Keto diet should consist of:
• 70-80% Fat
• 20-25% Protein
• 5-10% Carbs
You should not be eating more than 20g of carbs per day to maintain the typical Ketogenic diet. I personally ate less than 10g per day for a more drastic experience but I achieved my initial goals and then some. I lost 28 lbs. in a little under 3 weeks.
This is where a good healthy meal plan comes in the picture I used the famous plan which helped me get a perfect balance called The Customized Keto Diet Plan
The Keto Diet Plan I Used
It’s customized based on your specific information and goals, providing you with recipes and meal plans according to what your body needs. It also gives you everything you need to enjoy the process, such as day-by-day plans and meal-by-meal recipes that have the portion sizes already determined for you and the nutritional information displayed, so you don’t just complete the program but also, learn about the keto-foods.
You don’t have to do any calculations, figure out portion sizes or read through tons of labels to find out whether or not something is for you. The program has already done that for you. All you have to do is follow along with the recipes and meal plans. It’s the easiest, most enjoyable and fairly effortless way to transform your life, health, and fitness.
So far I am 5 weeks in and down 34 lbs. and feeling great, I have an enormous amount of energy and do not crash midday during work like I used to. It will take some commitment to get to where you want to be health-wise. But the road to get there is always more fulfilling then where you end up.
You can get your Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan and just follow along to achieve your Goal